Our dedicated Client Success team is committed to ensuring that you have the support and assistance you need every step of the way.
Here are the support channels that we currently offer:
Live Chat
In the bottom right corner of Synapse, you'll see a blue chat icon. Click on this for a speedy response from our team!
If you prefer email or have specific requests about adding admins or removing users, please email us at support@getsynapse.com.
Learning Center
It looks like you've already found your way here! Our Learning Center is designed to give you access to articles, resources, and best practices to help you and your team along.
In-Product Assistance
If you click the question mark icon in the top right corner of Synapse, you can find quick links to our Learning Center and in-product tutorials. Click on the Tutorials button to review some topical videos within the platform. You'll also see these pop up along the way when you're getting started in the platform.
Synapse Course
Are you a new Synapse user or looking for a refresher on the platform? We’ve designed this course to give you an introduction on how to get started!
Interactive Onboarding Video
If you prefer to have us walkthrough the platform with you, check out our interactive onboarding video. This is a choose-your-own-adventure style experience that allows you to select which parts of the platform you’d like us to help you get started on.
Office Hours
This is a live drop-in session for feedback, best practices and troubleshooting that takes place every Wednesday between 2-3pm EST. Click here to register!
If you are a current client and think that you'd benefit from setting up a call to review Synapse in more detail, feel free to contact support@getsynapse.com and we'll get something on the calendar! Whether it’s discussing your strategy, goals, or best practices, we are here to help.