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[June 29, 2021] June Release
Rebecca McDougall avatar
Written by Rebecca McDougall
Updated over a week ago

This month we released some exciting new features for the Design and Planning features in Synapse!

Design Layout Customization

In the Design settings of your course, you’ll now see a Layout tab. This layout tab has a number of options that allow you to customize the look of your published training content.

Menu: You now have the option to choose whether the sidebar menu of your course will be expanded or collapsed by default. As a note, when this feature was released, the default was updated to have the menu expanded which you’ll notice on your launched courses. If you’d like to switch this back to having the menu collapsed, you can simply navigate to the layout tab and toggle the “Menu expanded by default” option off.

Navigation Format: You’ll have the option to choose whether you want the full lesson to appear on the page, or if you want your topics to appear on separate pages of the course. This controls whether the learner would simply scroll through all topics within a lesson, or have the option to advance to the next topic as they proceed through the content.

Content Size: You can select whether you’d like your content to be Compact (this is the current default state), or Expanded. If you select the “Expanded” option, you’ll find that your content size is maximized across the width of the course container. This is a great way to improve visibility for any images and files you might have in the course as you’ll see below they appear larger.



Complete and Cancel Projects

In the Planning Board, you’ll now be able to Complete or Cancel your project cards. This way, you’ll be able to identify which cards have been completed and have them removed from your main board view. If a project has not been completed, but will no longer be worked on, you can Cancel it to remove it from the main board.

Completed and Cancelled planning cards will be located to the far right side of your Planning Board.

Other Enhancements:

  • You can now attach .story and .zip files to your Planning cards making it easy to centralize all files related to the design and development of your projects.

  • We've renamed "Tasks" in the Design section to "Action Items" to differentiate them from the Task functionality in the Planning Board.

  • We've added a progress circle to your Planning Cards so you can see how complete the project is based on your tasks.

  • We've added character counts for the Audience and Description fields of your course to ensure that the full copy os visible on your deployed content.

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