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Optimizing Your Learning Objectives
Optimizing Your Learning Objectives

How to create effective Learning Objectives

Rebecca McDougall avatar
Written by Rebecca McDougall
Updated over a week ago

When building your designs and courses, it's important to create effective learning objectives. Correctly written, a learning objective provides a clear purpose for learners, and focuses their efforts, informs your selection of content and guides your testing and assessment strategies. 

It's important to understand how Synapse can be leveraged to create effective learning objectives. Anyone in your organization who is using Synapse to create training should be instructed on how to use the platform to create effective learning objectives.

Failing to include actionable and focused learning objectives can impact the content design downstream - so it's an important foundational exercise of the design process. 

Instructional designers use learning objectives to state precisely what the learner must be able to do at the end of a course. When writing your learning objectives, try to keep the following in mind:

  • Learning objectives should be learner-centered 

  • Learning objectives should break down the task and focus on specific cognitive processes

  • Learning objectives should use actionable verbs that are appropriate for the learner's existing knowledge/compentency level

  • Learning objectives should be measurable 

Synapse makes it easy to create learning objectives by providing users a framework to write your objectives.

  1. When adding an asset, select "Objective".

2. You can then choose a verb, or add a custom verb. 

3. When selecting a verb, you can use the drop down menu or verb picker which helps you align your selection with the intended outcome. 

For more information on the importance of Learning Objectives, check out our blog post What is a Learning Objective?  

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