Once you have created and reviewed your Forms, you're ready to launch the form internally.
First, you have to think through who will be submitting requests: are you partnering with learning partners within your organization, are you sharing directly with employees? Once you understand the audience, you can begin to craft your communication strategy.
A great approach is to send an email, including your Training Request Portal URL. Here is some copy we'd be happy for you to use:
"Hello [Audience],
We're excited to share with you our Training Request portal which will allow you to submit requests for Training directly to the [Team Name].
This new process will:
Allow you to select the form for the type of request you would like to submit
See the status of your requests in your custom dashboard
Submit additional requests as you see need for new training.
To access, simply click on this URL: [URL]
We recommend bookmarking this link for easy access!
To get started, click the Register button and enter your name, email and password. You will then receive an email to confirm your account. Click on the link in the email to complete your registration.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact: [Contact Information]"